Jan 30, 2006, 10:45 AM // 10:45
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: USA
Guild: Crimson Explorers Worldwide {CrEw}; Lifetime graduate of [LBS]
Profession: W/
The Forge Runner
IMPORTANT: Tips from the Pro's is now closed. You can continue to offer your insight at the end of the thread. If there is something that offers a major improvement to what is already here I will add it or replace something. This thread is getting long and I believe has *everything* needed. Unless there is a major breakthrough this thread is now complete.
EDIT: added Do it on the cheap by Mistical Miss
So you want to be a Forge runner.
I am happy you have made the decision to undertake one of the hardest challenges in GW Chapter 1. I have been running since birth and let me tell you it can be rewarding. It can also be frustrating, tedious, and embarrassing at times. With a little knowledge picked up here at guildwarsguru you can maximize your effectiveness and improve on your dancing at the end of each successful run. I am going to give you a compilation of knowledge that has all been gained by reading this forum. If you are hoping for secretly guarded knowledge let me inform you know that you can stop reading. Everything I am about to share you can be read in multiple posts on this forum and I will give credit where credit is due.
Lets Talk Armor:
We all know that new shoes make you run faster so I would go buy a set of either knights or ascalon boots. The real reason is that you get a -2 universal damage reduction from them. Now if you really want them to make you run faster then apply your strength rune to them for that extra attribute point towards Sprint.
I am partial to Gladiators when I run for the energy bonus it gives. It isn’t much but when your running for your life every little bit counts.
Once again Gladiators is the best choice here.
I prefer the Ascalon here also simply for looks.
This is a very important piece for Forge runners. Get the Lt. Helm from Henge of Denravi cost is costs 400gp 2 bolts of silk 8 iron ingots. This helmet will reduce the amount of time you are affected by a hex and will also increase the amount of time it takes a monster to cast the hex.
Originally Posted by kvndoom
I know the helm of which you speak. Comes from the City of Nerfed Weapons.
There are so many shields to choose from. Unlike armor there is not one perfect shield for this run. Many players have many different reasons for using a specific shield when running to the Forge. Personally I use a Summit Warlord Shield with -2 damage in stance and -3 damage when hexed for that rare chance that I am in a stance and hexed at the same time and get the -5 damage reduction. The possible shields are:
-2 stance, -3 hexed
-2 stance, -2 enchanted
-2 stance, -2 hexed
-2 damage +45 health while enchanted
-2 damage +45 health wile hexed (collectors)
-2 damage +45 health while in stance (collectors)
Are there other shields that work? Sure but I listed those to give you an idea of what works. It is up to you to find your “perfect” running shield.
The reason I recommend the Gladiators if for the extra energy boost. If you are a serious Forge runner then you will have many uses for that extra energy and I would say that if you are going to make money from the run then you should have the best equipment you can afford to improve your success rate.
For this same reason I have carry the following weapons
1. req 8 healing - energy +10 healing ankh from Maguuma Strade that also gives a +1 to healing and +30 health
2. I have a +5 weapon for a high energy setup. There are 2 different +5 energy weapons in this game. There is he HoD sword….little expensive, and there is a +5 energy wand that a collector right outside Nolani Academy has. The wand has 0 req. for the energy to be useful. The wand is a 5 req for fire magic which does not need to be met for the energy to be useful. If you go this way you have just picked up 23 energy I think total….8 for the gladiators and 15 on the wpn set.
3. Any + health sword. Perfect is +30.
Originally Posted by Racthoh
You will also need the collector's wand outside of Nolani Academy. The one with 10% faster attack speed, however there are various versions of it. Just make sure you don't get the one with 10% chance to miss.
Damage Reduction
Now let’s talk about damage reduction. This is a highly misunderstood subject and it shouldn’t be. Your goal as a Forge runner is to have the highest consistent damage reduction possible without compromising your build or skill list.
Originally Posted by mattjones527
1 piece of Knights or Ascalon armor is a GLOBAL -2 dmg reduction
Absorption runes = damage reduction Minor Rune is -1, Major Rune is -2, and Superior is -3 vs. ATTACKS(not spells)
Shield damage reduction is GLOBAL damage reduction
I think the max attainable dmg reduction = 10
shield ===== -2(st) -3(hexed)
knights/ascalon==== -2(always)
Absorption= -3(vs attacks)
Actual Max is -11 as pointed out by Murder In China and Ubermancer later in the same thread but most runners will never use the wand.
Originally Posted by Murder In China
-1 from a quest reward wand.
Originally Posted by ubermancer
Quest reward item, it’s a Truncheon with +5 armor vs physical and -1 absorption (10% chance)
I prefer the Superior Absorption and Vigor when running but a Major of each would do the trick.
Originally Posted by Ensign
The testing is as scientific as it gets. My conclusions are as open to revision as any, and are revised as new data suggests otherwise.
While armor is location specific, absorption is not. The -3 damage you get from a Superior Absorption rune is going to apply to hits on *every* location, whether the rune itself is in your chestpiece or your boots. The same goes for the -2 damage that a piece of Knights / Ascalon armor gives you - it's a universal bonus that applies to all hit locations.
Attacks still hit particular locations, and it's very noticible when an unarmored site takes the blow. When I'm standing in a Firestorm with full pyromancer's armor, it's obvious when I get a headshot - I take 24 damage instead of 18. The armor level of a hit location is still the basis of all future calculations. =)
Armor does not affect the chance to hit a target. That's always 100% unless there's a buff, debuff, or other effect forcing otherwise. Armor is simply damage reduction on blows that do hit.
The trick is to not think of 'reduces damage' as a location specific modifier. As far as I can tell the only mods that can be location specific are armor altering ones. Think of a Superior Absorption or the Knight's bonus the same way you would the health boost from a vigor rune, or the +1 to an attribute from your hat, or even +armor from a weapon upgrade. It's universal, and applied after armor.
Shields are conditional armor based upon facing - it adds its armor bonus to any attack that comes from 'in front', regardless of hit location. Just what 'in front' translates to in game, I'm not sure.
Do it on the cheap: A cost effective way to start your Forge running today!
Originally Posted by Mistical miss
*Edited by Me Nofat*
*Full Set of Desert Collectors Armor with minor runes*
without using the 15 attrib points from the quests? (using minor runes of tactics and strength)
12 tactics
10 strength
8 healing prayers
axe from ascalon + 25 health (collector one)
energy wand +5 (nolani)
stance shield 16 armor +45/-2 (the one above thirsty river)
healing ank +10 energy +5 armor(ench) +45 health (ench) req.8 (collector in the maguuma jungle)
I tested it, and it's perfectly possible to run droks with this!
weapon slots:
1) Axe + shield
2) Wand + shield
3) Wand + ank
4) Axe + ank
The below setup is what I consider the overall popular choice. This does not imply that it is the only choice. The distribution depends on your skill choice which we will get to in a minute. Most prefer 8 in healing for mending but some choose not to use mending. The most important attributes are Strength and Tactics because those effect Sprint, Charge, and Balanced Stance which are the 3 most important skills to running the Forge.
Typical points without runes
Healing = 8
Strength = 10
Tactics = 12
The attributes should be buffed with your choice of minor, major, or superior runes of strength and tactics.
This is one of the most debated topics among runners throughout the hallowed land of Tyria. I am going to provide you with multiple W/X options. The W/Mo is time tested and in my opinion the best option. Just know that it is not the only option that works. I would also like to refer you to an awesome guide on running as a W/E found here http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...ad.php?t=96236
Here is the Warrior Core Skill Build:
Heal Sig
Charge {E}
Balanced Stance
Endure Pain
If anyone disagrees with that then they are in the extreme minority. That is not to say it can't be done. When picking your remaining skills consider Healing, Condition Removal, and Hex Removal. The monk skills seem to be a matter of preference though some choices are better than others. I have put stars by the more popular choices. I do not recommend them all personally but you should give everything a try to find out what fits your style.
Here are your Monk Skill Choices:
Holy Veil*
Purge Conditions*
Contemplation of Purity*
Remove Hex*
Smite Hex*
Shielding Hands
You want to keep in mind that the faster you can remove any hex or condition the better off you are. With that in mind…
Originally Posted by kvndoom
Mending + Holy veil = 2 enchantments
Bleeding + crippled = 2 conditions
Contemplation of Purity = clean slate.
Originally Posted by Elurian
Holy veil + Contemplation will take out 2 hexes or 1 hex and 1 condition or 1 hex. It is important to remember veil removes a hex when it ends and therefor can be used to clean off bleeding + crippled + deepfreeze. By the same token, mending + holy veil + cop can take off crippled + deepfreeze + mind freeze.
Here are your Ranger Choices:
Escape {E} (you will lose the option for balanced stance + charge)
Storm Chaser*
Here are your Ele choices:
Armor of Mist*
Mist Form {E} (you will lose the option for balanced stance + charge)
Windborne Speed
Here is a nice setup from Kat Nimiolle’s Running Guide for the W/E.
Originally Posted by Sectus
The skills in my build:
Armor of Mist - Run 33% faster and get around +36 armour bonus for about 20 seconds (with longer enchant weapon). This is basically the backbone of my build, for every dangerous area I make sure to cast Armor of Mist when possible, it greatly reduces the damage I get and the speed bonus is very handy. It can only me mixed with any stance.
Charge - Run 25% faster for 11 seconds. Whenever Armor of Mist runs out I quickly change to Charge.
Sprint - A last resort if my above running skills can't be used and something I use while quickly running past areas with harmless enemies or no enemies at all.
Disciplined Stance - +24 armor and 75% chance to evade attacks. Extremely handy, I use this whenever I can't immediately lose aggro and need to sustain incoming fire for a short while. I also use it if I ever need to wait for Balanced Stance and Armor of Mist to recharge while there's enemies around. It could be replaced with Defensive Stance which costs less and has a faster recharge, but Defensive Stance ends as soon as you use any skill, which can be a great nuisance.
Balanced Stance - Absolutely crucial when doing droknar's runs. Giants, Ice Golems and Wurms can be a real pain if you don't use this while running past those enemies.
Healing Signet - Pretty self-explanatory, this can also be used while enemies around if you Armor of Mist or Disciplined Stance up, the -40 armour will have little effect then.
"I Will Survive" - Gives +3 health regen for each condition. One of the negative things about running as W/E is I have no way to immediately remove conditions, so this is my only counter against conditions.
Endure Pain - A necessary fallback if you're starting to lose your health and need a few more seconds to try to escape.
The attributes I use(this is with rune bonuses):
Water Magic - 11
Strength - 7
Tactics - 14 (with tactics helm)
Now that we have all of our gear and skills figured out how do we actually run to the Forge.
Tips from the Pro's
Originally Posted by Sk8tborderx
Tip for new runners:
Run the regular way and then do it again backwards. The run is harder going the opposite way so it will give you a little more experience.
Maps by Mistical Miss!
I did not help in any way during the creation of thes maps.
These maps are read top to bottom and left to right.
Lornars Pass!
Pointers from the Pro's:
Originally Posted by Sk8tborderx
First Cave:
If you get to the top and there is no resting place and balanced stance has run out just use sprint and strafe while running past the ice golems to avoid water trident.
After 2nd wurm area:
Avaid ice golems if you can. Do not worry about running through the grawl, they do a lot less damage in a group of 50 then a group of 3-5 ice golems and 2-3 pinesouls.
Make sure not to aggro the heretics/stone summit at the end. I have seen a lot of runners die there because they see less red dots on the minimap.
Originally Posted by Mistical miss
In lornars pass, wait with your balanced stance as long as you can (that means until you are being attacked by another group as well). So when you see the worms pop up, don't start balance right away, wait until the avicara/grawl are closeby, then balance + charge past them. Do this to make sure u get past the groups.
Originally Posted by Ly Rampart
Just to reiterate do not use balanced stance immediately.
Using it and charging right away isn't a good idea either.
Timing is everything, in general you balanced stance then jog for 7-8 seconds (depends on balanced stance and charge length at 12tactics =
18sec balance, 10 second charge.)
Now in terms of the first cave, it's ok to be knocked down by the worm.
Get up and time the balance stance, wait a second or two for the 2nd and even third worm to pop up, charge out and when charge ends sprint out.
Depending on the spawn you might have to move to the right side of the wall. The only way to lose the chaser worms is to out run them obviously. Like someone stated before choose your aggro group wisely anything over heretics and ice golems.
These pro runners pretty much got you taken care of in terms of a how too.
Originally Posted by Citadel Runner
Hello everyone!
For those of you who don’t know me, my most common in game name is Sir Craig Gordon. I am an officer of LBS, (Lady Blue Steels Running Academy). Our guild is still here but unfortunately we are no longer taking new members.
Many of you know about our old thread, the LBSRA thread which is now closed.
Some of our most closely guarded running tricks and strategies were developed by me personally. I have decided to post one of these in particular as a gift to all of the Guild Wars community. I will also post the video showing exactly how it works. The name of this trick is THE LORNARS WORM TRICK #1. I have decided to post this one in particular for several reasons.
1. It was discovered and developed by me personally
2. It deals with Droknars Run, the most popular run in the guild wars game.
3. To prove that LBS has a lot more up their sleeves than a simple running build.
4. The fear that someone else will discover it and post it anyway.
5. The fact that many very experienced runners don't really need it anyway. It is more of a trick to get around a problem that many times is simply impossible to negotiate. It is the perfect solution for beginning and practicing runners, and for expert runners that simply don’t want to deal with a “horrible” spawn.
6. The fact that it has one great disadvantage to it. And that disadvantage is that you need to intentionally die one time to get it to work consistently.
7. You may ask “But won’t this cause even more totally unqualified runners claiming they can make it to Droknar’s”? Nah. It won’t last long. Shortly after this posting, Arenanet will undoubtedly step in and do their dirty work. Nerf city.
The Lornars Worm Trick # 1 is a solution to get through the single hardest part of the entire Droknars run. This is the first Frost Wurm area in Lornars Pass heading up into the Avicara corridor. While no runner can negotiate this part of the run 100% of the time, this trick allows you to CONSISTENTLY get through this area easily regardless of spawn type! How? It completely removes all Frost Wurms from the area! They are gone! Totally gone! And, if they are gone, that also means there is no chance of a chaser spawn to follow you all the way to the first troll cave.
Check the video out here. Lornars Worm Trick #1. Make sure you right click and "Save Target As...". It’s too big to stream directly. I think that even expert runners will enjoy this video.
Thanks, good luck, and happy running!
Originally Posted by Mistical miss
Lornars pass Part 1:
First of all put on mending and check whether your party members have the amount of gold you want for the run. At the start of lornars pass you will most likely encounter a couple of ice imps, combined with two pinesouls. Hold down your ctrl key to see whether there are any avicara beyond the imps.
If so, you better put up holy veil as well.
You will probably get past the first part without too much trouble.
Most of the times there are several imp-patrols between you and the worm cave. Wait for them to move, or go around them. Do not aggro them, for more imps may patrol into you while you are trying to get away.
When you got past the imp patrols, you will be at the point of the first radar in the Lornars pass map. This is where you will find the first worms. Normally there is only one of them.
Now starts the hard part.
Don’t turn on balanced stance right away. One or two worms will not kill you (and you can last pretty long on three worms too, if you have mending on)
Instead just jog on, and get knocked a few times. Make sure the ice imp patrol (they move pretty fast, so stick to the rocks on the right side) doesn’t hit you.
Most of the time you will encounter avicara in the worm cave, sometimes at the end, sometimes at the start.
When you come to the avicara, turn on balanced stance, and jog for a few seconds (5-8 seconds). The avicara will shatter your enchantments sometimes, but you cannot help that.
At the end of the worm cave (or maybe a little bit earlier, depends on the spawn) turn on “charge” and look for a healing spot (after the avicara, before the siege golems & pinesouls).
If there is such a spot, go there, and heal yourself, put back your enchantments while still in balanced stance
(Sometimes the worms won’t stop following).
Unfortunately a lot of the time, there is no healing spot, and you will have to run on.
Sometimes you can avoid the Siege golems and pinesouls, but most of the time you will have to run right through. Whatever you do, put on holy veil first. You will need it!
Now, for passing the Ice golems and pinesouls; Make sure you are in balanced stance when you enter them, for the first thing the ice golems do is throw a water trident at you (which can knock you down). Then they will proceed by casting rust (which takes them ages to cast if you have holy veil on you). You might hit a pinesoul trap as well, just use the purge conditions right away, if you run into a second trap, it is game over for you.
When your balanced stance wears off, start stepping sidewards to “dodge” any water tridents cast on you. When you get slowed by a slow hex, and you are in the middle of the pinesous + golems, then by all means don’t remove your holy veil, it will be of more use to slow the rust and other hexes of the other golems. Instead wait for the hex to wear off, and keep going.
At this point you will be on low hitpoints most of the times, and you will have no energy left over, so switch to your + energy wand/focus/staff to get energy for endure pain and sprint.
This will take some timing and training, but it will feel good if you made it past them and got to the healing spot at the left side. (Sometimes you will encounter grawls here, but they won’t do much dmg, you could jog past them before the endure pain is over).
So far the part where most people fail, I will proceed with the easier and longer part of lornars pass soon.
Many thanks to the other writers on this forum.
Originally Posted by Mistical miss
Lornars pass, part II:
When you get past the siege golems and pinesouls, you will be at an empty spot at the left (most of the time empty).
Regain energy and health, put off your enchantments and put mending back on after you are full.
Now hold down ctrl and look if there are any golems in front of you. If there are, put holy veil on (after you regained energy ofcourse) and balanced stance + charge in! (you want to be past them as fast as you can, no jogging now, for that will give them more time to slow you)
At your left side you will see a small passage, most of the time there are no grawls here, and you can rest here to regain health and energy.
Ahead of you is the troll cave. When you have regained energy and health, charge in the troll cave (make sure not to get stuck, run back out of grawls are following u into the cave)
There is a troll free zone in the cave most of the time. Stand there and lure the trolls so you can run past them. Make sure you don't get sandwiched.
As you come out of the cave, over the bridge, new worms will pop up. Most of the time the trolls will have stopped chasing you, if they still chase, go balance right away. If they don't, then wait with balanced until the grawls come to you.
When the first grawl hits you, turn on balanced stance and jog a bit, at the end of the grawl group, turn on charge (this usually gets rid of the first worm too) as long as your balanced keep jogging and put mending back on if it was shattered. Use healing signet only when ur balanced. Keep jogging and falling until you see the next grawl group.
They will come run to you, so make sure your balanced stance is ready when they do, keep moving so the worms won't hex you.
As they come for you, turn on balanced stance and jog a few seconds, then charge away, to make sure they don't get a chance to destroy your mending.
Now at the left side will be an open spot, if not, keep running past grawls (if thats not possible, resort to putting up holy veil, endure pain, purge conditions if you are crippled etc.. just as in the first worm cave).
Heal when you are at the safe spot. If a lone worm follows you, keep moving and use healing signet when you are on the ground, wait for balanced stance and charge to recharge and run away from the worm.
Now at your right side you will see a horde of grawls and siege golems + pinesouls. It's not a hard choice if you have the chance, go past the grawls.
Grawls are easy and golems are not
Unfortunately most of the time some of the siege golems patrol in the grawl area as well...
In this case try to wait until the siege golems are all on one side (at least a bit on one side) , put on holy veil and balanced stance + charge past the pinesouls/grawls. If you are lucky, it takes the siege golems some time to get to you and they will not be able to slow you before you are gone.
If you are unlucky you hit a barbed trap and you will have to use purge conditions which will give them time to get to you. If you hit the trap at the start of the area filled with siege golems, let the holy veil stay on, if you hit the trap at the end of the area, remove the hex immediately before they have the chance to hex you again.
Now keep to the left, most of the time there are grawls there, they will poison you and hurt you a bit, but with endure pain you will probably make it to the collector on the left side without grawls chasing you.
When your energy and health is restored again, hold down ctrl to see if its a grawlish or a golemish spawn (pray for the grawl spawn).
In case of the grawl spawn: Dance, Jump, be excited and put mending on and start sprinting to dreadnoughts drift (be ready to get away quickly when you loaded into dreadnoughts for there will be no time to party there)
In case of the Golem spawn: holy veil + balanced + charge and go as fast as you can, don't remove holy veil until you are almost past them (this will mean you have to endure at least one hex) Keep your healing ank or wand/staff at the ready to get that small boost of endure pain.
In case of barbed traps, purge conditions right away, turn to your energy build and pray
pray for the best
pray to dwayna and you will make it
That was lornars pass, once you have done this, you can NOT relax, for dreadnoughts drift requires a quick startup.
good luck
Snake Dance!
Pointers from the Pro's:
Originally Posted by Minus Sign
Snakedance is considerably easier than Lornars, what with not having to contend with uber-agroing wurms chasing you through ¾ of the entire zone, but still has its challenges. For the uninitiated who still find the post-Lornars Droks run a challenge, I’m continuing the guide where Me NoFat, Mistical miss, and the others left off.
The key to Snakedance (as with the rest of the Droks Run) is in the regen points. Finding safe haven amidst the myriad level 24s running rampant through these zones is a real challenge for the beginning runner. This a quick run down of where the most frequent regen points I’ve found are, and the safest way to get to them. I’m assuming you have at least these core skills to work with, and not a hybrid build like the Wa/E. You should have these skills:
Charge {E}
Balanced Stance
Endure Pain
*Sidenote* Be Dynamic. Just like Lornars, you can’t expect regen points to be open all the time. Patrols block them, bad spawns block them. Just, sheer bad TIMING will block them out of your run. The point I’m making is: don’t ignore a regen point because you “know” that another is waiting in the wings just ahead, and it’s “safer” or “faster”. That’s how new runners die. If you find a safe place always…
always always always!
Regen your skills.
*cracks knuckles*
Usually (and I mean about 95 times out of 100) you’ll see a patrol walking south as you head out from the spawnpoint. Follow them, but don’t agro. Let them mix with a group that is at or near the first big switchback; then kick up sprint and run in (try to burn off 7 to 9 seconds; this will give you the advantage of moving deeper into their agro range before they start hitting you with attacks. It’s a useful trick; practice it.). Wait until they start to throw and bring up your Balanced Stance, which knocks out Sprint. Charge to run through the first group and hopefully run to the southeastern most part of the turn to a safe regen point for your skills. There is a second and third group of Tundras lingering along the switchback so, if the second is nearby, be ready with sprint (it should recharge in the 10 to 11 seconds charge was up) but don’t cast until you are already past the second group and know where you are going to regen. Sprint/Endure Pain there, and regen. Press “U” and look at your map if its not up already.
There is another turn with at most two patrols, a pack of easily avoided trolls, and usually a large group of Tundra Giants as you circle through and head south again. Where you want to head is that little triangle on the west side of the next turn, the little beak-looking point on the trail. Agro is avoidable most of the time, and you can handily avoid the patrols by being patient.
Once at the beak, let the patrol pass you, heading north or south, and sprint to the next big group of Tundras. The next safe place is the little donut/eyeball shaped area on the west side of the trail. Balanced/Charge there, regening before if you get the chance as there is often a second group of tundras waiting for you, and take a breather.
Now, you’ve got 3 choices where to go. You can stick to the west path and face some Azure shadows early, try the middle path (and I hear you avoid them for a while, but have to deal with more Tundras in the doing) or try to make it all the way over to the east run. I hear that’s easier, but I learned droks on the west side.
We’re going west. B/C through Tundras and as you (usually) reach your first obvious regen point a small group of Azure Shadow’s should pop up nearby. Your first instinct is to freak out, kick up Sprint/Endure Pain and try to outrun them. Don’t. There is always another group of poppers waiting in the wings, and typically a 3rd as well. Let Balanced Stance stay up as long as it can, taking the knockdown out of Signet of Judgement, and then bring up your Sprint, saving Endure Pain in case that 3rd group is waiting to jump you. You should find a safe haven along the wall in the center where the three trails merge on the south end. Regen and run southwest to the rez shrine and another safe haven.
Usually, that’s the only drama on this track. Run southeast from the rez point, taking the north turn into the series of switchbacks that lead to Grenth’s Footprint. Some people like to exit and rez their team. I say don’t; too many people wanting droks runs have never been to Grenth’s, so the load times and dropped people make Grenth’s a liability, whereas having them alive…makes them a liability
The center road from Grenth’s is free of critters until you reach the bowl at the end. Take it until you see some Tundras; typically your last groups. B/C through and hug the east side for more safe regen points. You should see a cave with a multitude of trolls guarding it, or one more small group of Tundras AND a multitude of trolls. The tactic is the same. Try to Balanced/Charge through that mess and (hopefully) break agro before you reach the cave mouth.
Beyond you’ll see one boss monster, a pack of trolls, and an Ice Siege Golem. DON’T RUN IN UNLESS YOU COULDN’T BREAK AGRO FROM THE MESS! Kick up whatever hex protection you have and walk in carefully. Grab agro from a troll and walk north, where you came from. Try to get the group to follow you until most of the trolls are outside the cave mouth and on your side. Now Balanced/Charge through the group. This way, they don’t bottleneck inside the cave (the trolls only threat) encircle and kill you.
There is rarely safe haven for a long time after that cave. There is also no need. Beyond the cave are a standard fare of trolls and Blessed Griffons. Alternate Sprint with Charge and just run through them. Either through unlucky spawns or game design, I don't often find a safe haven until I reach my first (sometimes second) group of Stone Summit, near the end of this leg. Knockdown from the Herders is a factor, so keep Balanced Stance in reserve. Timing always seems to go my way alternating Sprint and Charge through the trolls and Griffons, so you should have Charge either just tunred on or ready to cast when those herders start stomping their feet.
Just after you see your first group of Stone Summit you should break out into a semi-wide open area, usually with 3 groups waiting in the wings. I’ve found dead center to be the safest place to regen Balanced/Charge, but you shouldn’t really need to at this point. Still, its nice to have, so B/C through the south groups, past some Blessed Griffons and more Stone Summit to make your way into Camp Rankor.
That’s Snakedance
Originally Posted by Sk8tborderx
Troll Cave in Snake Dance:
Aggro the group on the outside of the cave and pull them back until they leave a gap on a side so you don't get stuck.
Originally Posted by Mistical miss
In snake dance: be patient, just follow the tundra giants until they cluster, so you can run past the whole group with one balanced stance, use charge to get away from the giants, not to get into the giants. Also: 3 Tundra giants will not kill you, so if you are being chased by 5+ giants, and your balanced stance is about to wear off, don't be afraid to run into a few (3 or less) giants with just sprint.
Another note on the troll cave, sometimes a ranger boss placed a spirit in the cave, wait for it to die, it can block the cave with just one more troll. (or kill the spirit if you feel confident ^_^).
Dreadnoughts Drift and Talus Chute are the 2nd and last zones that you run thorough!
Pointers from the Pro's:
Originally Posted by Sk8tborderx
As soon as you zone in go to the right IMMEDIATELY. Do not stop running until you get past the first group of tundra giants.
First group in Talus Chute:
Have the group go ahead of you and just sprint past the first group. When the group of azures pop up use balanced+charge
Originally Posted by Mistical miss
In dreadnoughts drift: If you have a horrible spawn (that is, after you come past the first group of summit, you see many siegegolems and heretics which you cannot avoid) GO BACK, and rezone, it makes no sense to try and get past siege golems and heretics, its no point.
Originally Posted by Mistical miss
Ok here is a breakdown on dreadnoughts drift:
When you enter this area, immediately turn on any enchantments you want to turn on (mending for example) and start running to the right side.
You will encounter a few silly stone summits here, that will bleed you and try to hurt you. Ignore them.
Run to the first safe spot (immediately after the first broup of stone summits) and restore energy (you will have used either sprint or charge to get past the stone summit)
From here it may get hard.
First of all you should check wether there are any heretics visible in the groups ahead. Then check for Siege Golems. If none of the two are in your running path, hurry up and sprint towards the tundra giants on your right.
Again ignore all other silly stone summit.
If there is a heretic visible,check wether it is in the group directly in front of you or in another group behind it. (you can do this by watching the patrols closely). If not, run towards the tundra giants as quickly as you can, while avoiding the heretic.
If there is a siege golem visible, check wether it is in the group directly in front of you or in another group. If its only one, and far away from you, then put on holy veil and balanced stance + charge past them. (your balanced stance will still be up when you encounter the tundra giants)
If you see one heretic in the group in front of you: put on holy veil and sprint past the group. When the heretic casts crippling anguish on you, immediately remove holy veil or he will cast another cover hex to make sure u cant remove it.
If you see a heretic and a siege golem in the group in front of you, or multiple heretics, go back, and look if there are any heretics between you and the portal from lornars to dreadnoughts drift, if not, run back to rezone, if there are, go turn on holy veil and try to get to snake dance (you will die most of the time, but if you do, just rezone and hope for a better spawn).
If there are multiple golems close to you and no heretics, holy veil + balanced stance + charge immediately and hope u get past them before the second slow spell hits you. (You can't affort going slow here, for then the heretics may come, and <<<<<<<<<<< hits hard)
When you got past this part, you will see a group of about 5 or more tundra giants, balanced stance will still be up (or put it on here) and charge past the group, u will now see 2 more tundra giants. This is where your balanced stance ends, so heal here, dodge any rocks thrown at you by stepping sidewards. The two giants normally can not kill you, unless you had a hard time with the heretics/siege golems.
The last bit is easy, put on balanced stance and off you go.
Time for snake dance get the first bit of your reward there.
During this run I used Mending, Holy veil, Endure pain, Healing signet, Charge, Sprint and balanced stance. You can use your own build ofcourse, but this is what I used. (Kept mending up all the time, helps wonders when hit by tundra giants, and it cancels the bleeding nicely)
Originally Posted by Minus Sign
Talus Chute
If you actually need a full on walkthrough of Talus, then you don’t need to be running Droks yet. As it starts from a town, the ability to re-skillset and zone your group back to Rankor makes this a cake walk. Honestly, I think most people who claim 100% successful experience aren’t lying. They have 100% success…practicing between Rankor and Droks.
/sarcastic rant off
The only high point of the Rankor/Droks run is right at the beginning. After the S-curve you come to a small group of Azure’s with a boss. The trick is to break agro from this group before coming in contact with a group of pop-up Azure’s between you and the rez shrine. Failure to do this results in one of two outcomes:
1. You try to plow through the pop up group, with Balanced now a ticking time bomb waiting to drop (Charge is already gone) and run smack dab into a group of Avica’s who eat you alive after both groups of Azure’s have knocked your HP to sadistic levels with spammed Judgment signets.
2. You run BACK north—where you came from—and sprint away from both groups. Let them intermingle of separate as you regen to try again. If it looks nasty, you can always zone back to Rankor.
Since most people don’t like to retreat, I’ll give you my tip for keeping the pop-up group down and still break agro from the first. It’s just like the tundra trick: Sprint in and this time wait until about 1 second AFTER you see the Signet symbols start to swirl over the Azure’s heads. Kick up Balanced Stance (you should be either right beside the Azure’s who have bunched together, or just past them). Bring up Charge just as the first Signet of Judgment strikes you and run as far to the east as the trail allows. If an Azure follows you to cast something, wait for him. Don’t be caught in your regen point with one Azure chasing you, cast-locked. He’ll drag the entire group with him and waste your efforts. Instead, stand slightly away from your regen point (5-6 step) and let him sound off. Then run to your regen and he should fold back into the herd.
After that, regen and B/C through the pop-ups, kicking up Sprint when Charge drops to get away from those Avica’s.
Beyond this point, any group that you meet is either easily avoidable or easily outrun. The only “threat’ is a cast-locked Avica. Sometimes, when an Avica begins to cast a spell on you as you slip out of agro range, they will follow. You can’t outrun them and they won’t break until they fire off. If this “tail” concerns you find a safe place to stop, let him cast, and then run away. He should stop following and go home.
Welcome to Droks
This is where experience and a good map will do you far more good than me telling you. I believe you now have all of the tools to become a great Forge runner.
For a real challenge join me in detailing the spawns of Lornars... http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...d.php?t=104534
I no longer work on this but if you add useful information i will move it into the main section of the post.
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Last edited by Me NoFat; Jun 14, 2006 at 05:44 AM // 05:44..
Jan 30, 2006, 08:05 PM // 20:05
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Wisconsin
Guild: dth
A beautiful thread I must say, deserves a sticky. In my experiance with the lt. helm I have found that it dramatically helps when you have multiple hexs and soforth. You can holy veil one and the second is shortly taken care of by the helm, the difference is visible to me and highly noticable. Other then that I have very little to add to this thread. Very complete and well composed. Thanks.
Jan 30, 2006, 08:08 PM // 20:08
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Switzerland
heya! great build but I have some questions: I am a W/Mo and I use Holy Veil and Purge Conditions and Shields Up. Because I use that I dont need Healing Attributes. Is that still ok? And I also got the Problem that I got a full 15k Ascalon Armor. Should I replace that with Plate? I dont need Gladiators since I dont need that much energy. please help!
Last edited by Farrell-Zander; Jan 31, 2006 at 11:01 AM // 11:01..
Jan 30, 2006, 08:27 PM // 20:27
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: The Netherlands - Hattem
Guild: [RR]
Great Thread! Yes definately worth a sticky, only one mistake: you typed escape twice in the ranger secondary section ^_^
@ Farrell-Zander: Ascalon gives -2 reduction too if I am not mistaken, and you should try to replace the chest and preferably the leggings too, with gladiators. If you run the Mending /+ Holy veil build you will get energy trouble when running past hard area's (the first worm cave in lornars pass for example). Endure pain + sprint + balanced stance + charge = 20 energy already, and if you get crippled as well, add another 5 for purge conditions.
Ow and btw, with max attribute points, you can have 12 tactics 12 strength 8 healing prayers, if you used 2 minor runes. This might just make the difference! Tactics 13 makes not much sense, since both charge and balanced stance will not raise in duration from the time you had with 12 points in tactics.
Jan 30, 2006, 09:20 PM // 21:20
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Switzerland
Well I never get into energy problems. I dont use mending. and I got attribute points on 14 Tactics and 13 Strength! I like my build and it works fine... If there is on thing to do then buy plate armor to get more armor! But is the difference that big? because I got a sup absorbs on my chest and a sup vigor on my gauntlets! please help
Jan 30, 2006, 11:55 PM // 23:55
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: The Netherlands - Hattem
Guild: [RR]
oh hell no farrell-zander, if you get killed in knights with sup absorb/supvigor, then u would get killed with a platemail as well... If you change anything, you would have to change to glads instead...
Jan 31, 2006, 04:47 AM // 04:47
Krytan Explorer
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Originally Posted by Amsterdam
A beautiful thread I must say, deserves a sticky.
Originally Posted by Farrell-Zander
Q1. I am a W/Mo and I use Holy Veil and Purge Conditions and Shields Up. Because I use that I dont need Healing Attributes. Is that still ok?
A1. First I would ask why use Holy Veil and Purge Conditions? There are very good reasons to use Purge Conditions but they are not needed in my opinion for a Forge run. I know I listed them as an option because what it really comes down to is style and comfort with your build. I would instead opt for the Holy Veil/Cont of Purity combo myself. There is really only one place you need a condition remover in this run on a consistent basis and that is the exit of the worm tunnel. As noted above if you have mending and holy veil on and use cont of Purity you will remove 2 conditions from the Pine Soul.
Originally Posted by Farrell-Zander
Q2. I also got the Problem that I got a full 15k Ascalon Armor. Should I replace that with Knights? I dont need Gladiators since I dont need that much energy.
A2. No do not replace your armor without specific reason. If you are not a pro runner then there is no reason to buy more armor. You can make this run in Droks armor with minor ruins but I would not advise becoming a pro and charging with that type or armor. Knights and Ascalon (all you need is one piece of either set of armor) offer the -2 global damage reductions. The reason I recommend the Gladiators if for the extra energy boost. If you are a serious Forge runner then you will have many uses for that extra energy and I would say that if you are going to make money from the run then you should have the best equipment you can afford to improve your success rate. For this same reason I have a the req 8 healing - energy +10 healing ankh from Maguuma Strade that also gives a +1 to healing and +30 health and I have a +5 weapon for a high energy setup. There are 2 different +5 energy weapons in this game. There is the HoD sword….little expensive, and there is a +5 energy wand that a collector right outside Nolani Academy has. The wand has 0 req. for the energy to be useful. If you go this way you have just picked up 23 energy I think total….8 for the gladiators and 15 on the wpn set.
Last edited by Me NoFat; Feb 05, 2006 at 08:21 AM // 08:21..
Reason: quote problem
Jan 31, 2006, 10:40 AM // 10:40
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Switzerland
@ Mistical Miss: I dont die lots. I just happends and I would like to reduse the chance.
@ Me NoFat: Well I dont call myself I Pro but I did manage to get 250k from Droknar Runs this Weekend. I still dont need that much energy. I see that Contemplation of Purity uses 5 Energy like Purge Conditions. I think I will try get the Hauberk of the 15k Glads and get Plate for the Rest. What you think?
Last edited by Farrell-Zander; Jan 31, 2006 at 10:51 AM // 10:51..
Jan 31, 2006, 04:04 PM // 16:04
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: The Netherlands - Hattem
Guild: [RR]
@ Farrel-zander, ow i didnt mean to say you die a lot, just that IF you die with knights, big chance you would die with plate too (some spawns are so horrible..) As for hauberk from glads, great, makes an additional 3 energy (up to 23) in 6 seconds you regain 2 energy, as all your spells cost about 5 energy, you can spend the full 25 energy in 6 seconds. From rest point to rest point often is about 6+ seconds so i guess that would do yes
Remember the -2 reduction of knights counts for all body pieces so one piece of knights/ascalon would do great! If you platemail the rest I guess it would be good since it adds armor..( personally i hate the look of platemail but hey, everyone his/her preferences)
Jan 31, 2006, 04:11 PM // 16:11
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Switzerland
OK I will use a Glads 15k Hauberk. But the Problem is I got a Sup Absorbs and Vigor on my Hauberk and Arms. For the Feet and Legs I take platemail. I dont know if I should buy a new helm since I use the HoD Helm and only switch to the other one when passing groups that dont hex which are easy most of the time. But should I risk losing the Runes or buy new ones and keep the old armor? and does it matter which piece is at with body part?
PS: Losing the Sup Vigor wouldnt be that bad (got one in spare) but losing the Sup Absorbs...
Last edited by Farrell-Zander; Jan 31, 2006 at 04:14 PM // 16:14..
Feb 01, 2006, 08:45 AM // 08:45
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Originally Posted by Farrell-Zander
OK I will use a Glads 15k Hauberk. But the Problem is I got a Sup Absorbs and Vigor on my Hauberk and Arms. For the Feet and Legs I take platemail. I dont know if I should buy a new helm since I use the HoD Helm and only switch to the other one when passing groups that dont hex which are easy most of the time. But should I risk losing the Runes or buy new ones and keep the old armor? and does it matter which piece is at with body part?
PS: Losing the Sup Vigor wouldnt be that bad (got one in spare) but losing the Sup Absorbs...
If you worry about money don't salvage the sup abs. I would get another one personally and yes the chest is the #1 place to have that rune...something like 37% of hits come on the chest. I have salvage 2 sup abs pieces and 1 sup vig piece....lost them all so the chance is there that you will loose it.
Edit - I am incorrect about the sup abs placement....ignore the above information....it is corrected in the main post.
Last edited by Me NoFat; Feb 05, 2006 at 08:23 AM // 08:23..
Feb 01, 2006, 08:49 AM // 08:49
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Guild: Crimson Explorers Worldwide {CrEw}; Lifetime graduate of [LBS]
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Originally Posted by Farrell-Zander
@ Me NoFat: Well I dont call myself I Pro but I did manage to get 250k from Droknar Runs this Weekend. I still dont need that much energy. I see that Contemplation of Purity uses 5 Energy like Purge Conditions. I think I will try get the Hauberk of the 15k Glads and get Plate for the Rest. What you think?
250K is very respectable. If you get that much then you are probably running non stop so I would say that your skill is where it needs to be for pro running. There are not many players that make that kind of money running Droks (about 1-3K per head). I personally no longer do this run for less than 30K (single or full party) so as you have probably guessed I don't get many requests to run this anymore. I will occasionaly do it for tips just to keep in good form. Like the person above me stated the Glads is a good step up for energy...it will give you an additional energy when you need it most.
Feb 01, 2006, 01:05 PM // 13:05
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Switzerland
since the chest gets hit most should the Ascalon Armor be at the chest? Would save the Sup Absorbs that way too! And then I just use the denravi helm and like glads pants and plats arm and feet.
Feb 01, 2006, 01:20 PM // 13:20
Major-General Awesome
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Ascalon armor is global, so anywhere the piece is, it reduces damage. I personally use 15k Glads Chest and Arms, with 15k Plate legs and feet, with swap between Lts Helm and 15k Ascalon Helm. I recommend swapping between helms in parts of the run, as sometimes the extra armor is MUCH better than shorter hexes.
Feb 01, 2006, 07:10 PM // 19:10
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Switzerland
Ok I descided what I will pick for my Armor I will take the FoW Helm, 15 Glads Hauberk, 15k Plate Arms + Pants and Ascalon Boots! I cant deside if I should salvage the Hauberk for Sup Absorbs.... Need to think about that. What you people think?
Feb 01, 2006, 08:32 PM // 20:32
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Nov 2005
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Guild: Us Are Not [leet]
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Pretty soon this run will not even be profitable. Most runners are now charging only 2k a person. A few months ago it was 5k a person. There are also a lot of runners out there, most of them can't even make the run more than 80% of the time.
Personally I would like to see the price go back to at least 4k a person. 15k a run is almost not worth it especially since most of the time people lag out at snake dance or refuse to pay.
/Signed for sticky
Last edited by Sk8tborderx; Feb 05, 2006 at 12:37 PM // 12:37..
Feb 01, 2006, 09:00 PM // 21:00
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Oct 2005
Guild: Less Crying is Key [kThx]
I would like to see this stickied.
Who cares if it is profitable - it's not always about the money.
You could always use it to help friends/guildmates/other characters on a second account.
Besides, it gives a good breakdown of one of the hardest runs in the game. If you can do this, you can do just about any run.
Feb 01, 2006, 10:41 PM // 22:41
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Dec 2005
Guild: Aura of Amnoon [AoA]
Profession: E/Me
[QUOTE=Rhuobhe]I would like to see this stickied.
I second this....Most of this information was long reguarded as "secret". I feel that this run itself is hard enough to weed out the folks that BS their way, like buying their way through the game. The droks run is as hard as it has ever been. For that reason (without getting off into another topic), I also feel like this thread should be stickied.
Feb 01, 2006, 10:58 PM // 22:58
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jan 2006
Guild: Shadows of Sorrow's Furnace
Profession: W/Mo
This is a descent thread,I am a droks runner myself and I want to say that I think that it is untrue that you need to but sup ab. on chest as someone said above,actually I would like to see officially somewhere where where you put it actually matters.Also I think that if you can make like 15k on a run to droks that is not a reason to stop running it.I think that it will always be profitable.I mean lol even if you make 15k a run that is pretty good. I mean]
I really don't know how good any of ya'lls running skills are but I say that 15k in about an 45 min to a hour is pretty good money.Because like unless you like get a green on every farm run then running droks will always be possiblw.
Thank you all for you time and I am not flaming anyone I am just stating my opinion on the matter of the profit of the run.
Thank You,
Masta Killa Man
Feb 01, 2006, 11:06 PM // 23:06
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Dec 2005
Guild: Acolytes of Lyssa [AL]
Profession: Me/A
I used to do Droknar's runs quite frequently, but as of late I can't stand to even try. Whether it's the 2-3 Wurms in the first cave, or the combo of Avicara + Ice Golems just outside of that cave, it is quite a feat to make it out of that spot. So imo, from the runner's perspective it's just not worth it. If it was 4-5k per person, then it would be. But making 10-15k per run isn't worth the trouble imo. But once in a while I'll try runs for guildies.
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